The Crisis Center, Bay City, Texas
We are creating an environment where violence
and abuse are not tolerated in our community.
The Crisis Center provides services to victims of domestic violence and/or sexual assault. Our goal is to help these victims achieve safety, self-sufficiency and a life free from violence by providing intervention services. The Crisis Centeris a community-based, volunteer supported program that provides shelter and support to victims of family violence and sexual assault in Matagorda and Wharton Counties.
Since its beginning in 1984, the Crisis Center has consistently grown because of the commitment of local volunteers and the high level of community involvement. The Crisis Centeris funded by Federal and State grants, city and county funds, foundation grant support, local and regional businesses, the United Way and many generous individuals.
Kelli Wright-nelson, Interim Executive Director
Join us for our first annual car show & Chili Cook-off!
Why we do,
what we do
We want to help you return to happiness.
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The Experts
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The Fight
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The Solutions
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